HPV E6/E7 mRNA Test for Head and Neck Cancer
Detects HPV E6/E7 mRNA to enable early detection of Head & Neck cancer and serves as a therapy selection tool for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) patients.
Research Service
Early Detection/Screening
Therapy Selection
Therapy Monitoring
HPV Test and Head & Neck Cancer
QuantiDNA™ HPV E6/E7 mRNA detects the presence of transcriptionally active HPV by detecting the E6/E7 mRNA in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC). These HPV-positive OPSCC patients can be identified for distinct prognosis and therapy selection from other types of head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) patients.
The HPV mRNA assays provide higher specificity than HPV DNA-based assays. The improved specificity helps reduce the number of people sent to colposcopy and prevent over treatment.
Efficient Workflow: direct approach without DNA/RNA purification, RT-PCR, or target RNA amplification
Accepted sample type: saliva or FFPE
The test differentiates between persistent and transient HPV infection
The DiaCarta Offerings

QuantiVirus™ HPV mRNA Test is a CE/IVD marked product for countries with CE/IVD compliance. It could also be used as a research product in the United States.
- Pack size: 96 reactions per kit
- Catalog #: DC-01-0002 (CE/IVD version)
- Catalog #: DC-01-0002R (Research Use Only version)

QuantiVirus™ HPV E6/E7 mRNA Test is available at DiaCarta as a research service.
Why do we test HPV mRNA?
FDA approves both HPV DNA and mRNA testing methods for HPV testing.

HPV DNA testing detects DNA present in transient infection (HPV cleared within a couple of years) and persistent infection.
Suboptimal specificity
Although HPV DNA testing is widely used for HPV testing, it suffers from suboptimal specificity, leading to many unnecessary colposcopy and follow-up procedures.
False-negative detection
In more severe cervical intraepithelial lesion (CIN) cases, HPV DNA is decreased while HPV mRNA is increased. This leads to false-negative detection using the HPV DNA test.

HPV mRNA test detects mRNA in infected cells, where E6/E7 mRNA is produced and eventually changes the normal cells to cancer cells.
Higher specificity
The HPV mRNA assays provide higher specificity than HPV DNA-based assays. The improved specificity helps reduce the number of people sent to colposcopy and prevent over treatment.